Ownership of the website

In compliance with the duty of information established in Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), the following general information on this website is provided below:

Owner: Mundicromo SL
CIF: B30402903
Address: P.I. Camposol, plaza norte, 1, 30006, Murcia
Telephone: 968200399
E-mail: playforest@cromotienda.com
Domain name: https://mundicromo.com/

Terms of Use

Access to and use of this website confers the condition of user, which implies full and unreserved acceptance of all the provisions included in this Legal Notice. Users undertake to make appropriate use of the contents and services that Mundicromo SL offers through its website and not to use them for illicit activities or activities contrary to good faith and public order.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The contents of this website, including texts, images, graphics and design, are the property of Mundicromo SL or its licensors, and are protected by current legislation on intellectual and industrial property. Their reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is prohibited, except for personal and private use.