What are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files that websites place on your browser to collect information about your visit and improve your user experience.

Types of Cookies Used

  • Technical Cookies: Necessary for browsing and the correct functioning of the website.
  • Analysis Cookies: These enable the number of users to be quantified and the measurement and statistical analysis of the use of the website to be carried out.
  • Personalisation cookies: These allow information to be remembered so that the user can access the service with certain characteristics that can differentiate their experience from that of other users.

Cookie Management
Users can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on their equipment by configuring their browser options. Below are the links to manage cookies in the most commonly used browsers:

Updates and Changes to the Cookies Policy
Mundicromo SL may modify this Cookies Policy according to new legislative or regulatory requirements, or with the aim of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.